Wednesday, February 02, 2005


So, if one were to actually look in my apartment right now, he or she would have no idea that I am moving in just a few days. Seriously! What is my problem? There is really nothing I want more than to get the hell out of here, yet have I done much? Not really. I keep trying to justify things to myself like "Oh, I'm just getting rid of everything anyway." Or, "I'm just going to throw stuff in a box and ship it to my parents' house, so it doesn't really matter."

But now the clock is ticking. The guys coming to take my furniture away have been scheduled. I have mounds of clothes, and piles of books all waiting to be packed away into boxes. The piles for the garbage are reaching their limits. Yet, I have not really made a dent.

Looks like those all nighters from college will serve me well in the up coming days...